Livemiles was the last album on the Jive Electro label and the departure of Chris Franke, leaving TD after 16 years immediately after the Reichstag concert in Berlin on August 1, 1987.

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All tracks of CD 01#0655-3969FLAC album - 44.1 kHZ, 16 bit add to cart € 12.99
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StatusLive Album
Release dateOctober 13, 1987
Playing time00:57:05
All Music byEdgar Froese, Christopher Franke, Paul Haslinger

Order tracks of item 1

01. Livemiles I (The Albuquerque Concert)FLAC track - 44.1 kHZ, 16 bit 00:29:54 add to cart€ 6.59
02. Livemiles II (The Berlin Concert)FLAC track - 44.1 kHZ, 16 bit 00:27:08 add to cart€ 6.59
prices incl. VATDepending upon the medium, the indicated tracklist will vary in certain details.