Based on the short story by Edgar Allan Poe, The Island of the Fay is composed by Edgar Froese and Thorsten Quaeschning.

It is the first appearance of violinist Hoshiko Yamane on a Tangerine dream record.

This work is the beginning of a new series by Tangerine Dream: EASTGATE'S Sonic Poem Series. Edgar Allan Poe definitely is worth a start, a novelist who long enough has been labelled as dark, mysterious and gloomy only - Poe was more than that - a true visionary.

Edgar Allan Poe's ‘The Island of the Fay' has been set to music by Edgar and Thorsten in a very exciting, dynamic and partly experimental way - a new violinist sets her maverick accents with electric sounds. It's the art of breathing life into a tale through strong music. 

PS: You will find the whole but short tale of ‘The Island of the Fay' within the booklet! Enjoy reading but above all: enjoy listening!


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All tracks of CD 01#0343-1098MP3 album - 320 kbit/s add to cart € 9.90
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StatusStudio Album
Release dateMarch 20, 2011
Playing time01:07:48
All Music byEdgar Froese, Thorsten Quaeschning

Order tracks of item 1

01. Marmontel Riding On A ClefMP3 track - 320 kbit/s 00:07:46 add to cart€ 1.99
02. Breath Kissing Matter´s MouthMP3 track - 320 kbit/s 00:08:58 add to cart€ 1.99
03. Beauty Of Magic AntagonismMP3 track - 320 kbit/s 00:05:58 add to cart€ 0.99
04. Fay Bewitching The MoonMP3 track - 320 kbit/s 00:11:00 add to cart€ 1.99
05. Cycle Of EternityMP3 track - 320 kbit/s 00:06:45 add to cart€ 0.99
06. Death In The ShadowMP3 track - 320 kbit/s 00:09:07 add to cart€ 1.99
07. Moment Of Floating Into The LightMP3 track - 320 kbit/s 00:09:27 add to cart€ 1.99
08. Darkness Veiling The NightMP3 track - 320 kbit/s 00:08:43 add to cart€ 1.99
prices incl. VATDepending upon the medium, the indicated tracklist will vary in certain details.