The continuation of the Quantum Years...

QUANTUM KEY was the vanguard of the QUANTUM GATE album which Thorsten, Ulrich and Hoshiko are currently working on.

Edgar Froese, the head and founder of Tangerine Dream, had the wonderful idea of translating the current knowledge of the quantum physics - which he was very much interested in - into sound and already started this project before his sad death in January 2015. The cupdisc MALA KUNIA was the first music out of “The Quantum Years” series which was published in November 2014 on the occasion of the MMW Festival concert in Melbourne.

It was a great fortune that Edgar still had the chance to discuss his vision with the remaining band members and that Bianca, Edgar's wife, decided to continue with Tangerine Dream. She knew that Thorsten, Ulrich and Hoshiko could face this huge challenge with their beautiful talents. At the same time this task would be a unique chance for the music coming into life. So the band continued developing these musical ideas after Edgar's sudden "change of his cosmic address" and you will have the chance now to listen to some wonderful tracks. In honour of Edgar!

“Its four tracks – three compositions that are of Froese legacy, the other the work of Thorsten Quaeschning and Ulrich Schnauss – taken of themselves are concise and involving. They range from the solemn and introspective, to effervescently clear and bright – like a garden in the morning after a thunderstorm – before becoming devotional; the sound of a meditative religious retreat where the structure and mechanics of the universe are contemplated.” –
Record Collector Magazine



Audio CD (Cardboard Sleeve)#eastgate 075 CDout of stock out of stock € 12.00
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StatusStudio Album
Recording date2015
Release dateNovember 20, 2015
Playing time00:32:49
All Music byEdgar Froese, Thorsten Quaeschning, Ulrich Schnauss


01.Genesis Of Precious Thoughts00:09:13
02.Electron Bonfire00:05:04
03.Drowning In Universes00:11:06
04.Mirage Of Reality00:07:24
Depending upon the medium, the indicated tracklist will vary in certain details.